About us

At Green Akers Entertainment Inc, we are proud to be leading specialists when it comes to providing world-class entertainment for private and corporate events across the U.S. and beyond.


Our Founder & Events Director - Rebecca Akers


Having grown up in the entertainment world with my father being the CEO of a legendary entertainment company that produced mostly national acts for major corporations like Apple, Ford Motor Company, IBM, Pitney Bowes, just to name a few. My mother being the top producer for Judge Joe Brown & Judge Judy based in Los Angeles for over 10 years. My brother, now a highly regarded Emmy winning movie director, producing top documentaries for HBO & PBS, having one of the highest rated shows on ABC ever seen working with David Blaine and a Sundance Film Festival lifetime film director.

Myself, having worked in the entertainment industry for several years now, managing high-end corporate events and celebrity private parties and weddings, which is my niche in the business and what I thoroughly enjoy the most. I came from the corporate world prior to this as a high-level Executive Assistant for over 20 years and sometimes handled up to 10 Executives at once, working at some of the largest firms out there and also planning huge events for thousands of employees, which prepared me that once I got into this role, I brought along all that experience and knowledge into what I can say I successfully do now. One of the most rewarding parts of my position is to build that rapport and trust with my clients and peers and make each event a memorable experience.


Our Logo - Meaning & Symbolism Behind It


The Name - Akers being my maiden name and keeping the tradition going for my family; it is a long-established surname of Anglo-Saxon origin and is a topographical name from residence by a plot of arable land, deriving from the Olde English pre 7th Century "aecer", cognate with the Old High German "acdkar", ploughed field, cultivated land, which became "acker" in Middle English. A Coat of Arms granted to the Ackers family is a silver shield with three gold acorns, husked green, on a black bend, the Crest being a dove rising proper, in the beak an acorn of the arms, and the Motto: "La Liberte" (Liberty). My family is a mixture of Cherokee, Choctaw, German & French.

The Owl - The owl, spirit animal, is emblematic of a deep connection with wisdom and intuitive knowledge. The owl sees in the dark. As a spirit animal, the owl guides you to see beyond the veil of deception and illusion; it helps see what's kept hidden. It also symbolizes the ability to cut through illusions and see the real meaning of someone's action or state of mind. The owl is a strong spirit guide for discernment and making decisions based on solid foundations.

The Color - Green is a symbol of good, stable, solid power. It symbolizes earth, stability, physical energy, nature power, boldness, happiness, basic need and originality. Green is strong, hard working, practical, determined, energetic and independent. Green is a solid, pure color, is hard looking and dominant. It is the dominant color of nature. Green symbolizes the season of spring, full of vitality and energy. It gives a strong energy to someone and takes action.